Living with Hope
All about us.....
Hi, and welcome to our home. My name is Susan. My husband, Bud, is 48. We live in Seminole, Oklahoma, U.S.A. We were married May 29, 1971. We have 3 children, Bob (26), Joe (24), and Buddy (22).

I am a nurse in a hospital in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I work with Cancer patients and love my job. My job is very rewarding as I am allowed to work with terminally ill patients and their families. My reward is being allowed to be a part of these wonderful peoples lives, to share in their joys and triumphs as they deal daily with tremendous strength and endurance, in the face of what often seems overwhelming odds. And I see the Angels, sent by God, to give them comfort and hope. I enjoy reading, crocheting, gardening and spending time with my family and friends.

Bud is disabled. He has Huntington's Disease, a devastating disease, with no treatment or cure. He lives with Hope. Hope for a cure, and a very strong belief that God will lead researchers and scientists to the cure soon. Before HD (Huntington's Disease), Bud was a very active man, devoted to God and family. When we first met, Bud worked for Rock Island Railroad as a train dispatcher. With the collapse of the railroad he went on to driving cross country for a short time, and then with the oil boom in the '70's, he went into the oil fields. There, he worked his way up from a floor hand, to a DRILLING and Completion Foreman for the Kerr McGee Corporation. He was a member of the 5 Mile club. One of the few who supervised drilling 5 miles deep. After the oil industry declined he again began driving cross country and up into Canada. He was finally able to quit driving and became the 'town man' for Silver Cliff, Colorado. It was a short year later that he was diagnosed with HD, in March 1990. He now spends his days confined to a chair, with his memories of what was and could have been. Surrounded by his family, who love him, and care for him.

Bob, our oldest son, lives in Chichasha, Okla. He is 'at risk' for HD. He has a son, Sam, who is 4 years old. After graduation from high school, Bob went into the Air Force where he spent most of his time stationed in Alaska. Bob is an avid reader, and loves spending time on the Internet.

Joe is the middle child. He and his lovely wife,Amy, gave up their home and live with us, to help care for Bud. Joe also goes to Vo-Tech and hopes to someday have his own auto mechanics shop. Joe & Amy have a son, Zack, 3 years old, and are expecting another child in March. Joe is also 'at risk' for HD.

Buddy is our youngest, and was adopted at the age of 5. Since he was adopted, Buddy is not 'at risk' for HD. Buddy is still trying to decide wht to do with his life.
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My interests:
  • Books/Magazines
  • Health/Fitness
  • Movies/TV
  • PC Games
  • Parenting
  • Pets/Animals
  • Religion

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Email me at:
[email protected]

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